Monday, January 22, 2007

repost lindsey blog

Thursday, January 18, 2007

our dear friend lindsey

so today was a rough day for me. last night i was awake until seven am trying to figure out my life, and also how to solve all of the worlds problems. i had decided that the best route might be to just stay in boise, and put off my move to portland for a while. so i get up around nine thirty (am) to go to work. i already had two text messages on my phone. they read:

"i'm up now, whats up?"
"hey wake the hell up!"

i was hoping for a generally "nice" exchange, so i might get through the day peacefully, that was quickly forgotten.

"do you think you could take the kids tomorrow? i have to work."

i don't think she really has a job.

"i'll drop them off today after lunch cause i'll be in town, then pick them up after church on sunday."

i tell her no.


i have to find some money to pay back the bank for the phone bills of yours that you illegally put through.

"fine whatever you can see them next weekend then."

then she sees she isn't gonna get her way, and gets pissed.

"you never fucking help me with them. its so fucked up. why don't you just get fuckin outta here and go be with your best friends?"

she means portland. i tell her thats a great idea, but my phone and car insurance are getting turned off because of your illegal transactions.

"why don't you pay me child support then?"

because i cant pay my bills because you steal from me. you don't need it.

"you're right i fuckin don't. you don't have to pay rent."

i tell her i want custody

"the weekend is your time with her and thats all your gonna get. not like you want her more anyways"

i tell her all i want is my daughter.

this is where it gets juicy...

"i try to give you more of her and you don't take her so fuck you nathan. your the piece of shit."

how noble of her.

i tell her she is pure evil and to stop texting me.

she tells me "so are you" i chuckle to myself.

"im so sick of trying to kiss your ass, im done." i hope that means done texting. that isn't what it means...

she sends me five or six more telling me what a horrible person i am and that i'm selfish and its my loss. and my kids loss. guilt trip time.

"your just selfish and wanna have more time to drink and go fuck around."

i tell her i don't have money to go drink and if she knows where i can go to "fuck around" i would appreciate the info.

"should of paid me child support then"

my lord i hate this bitch.

"but you didn't"

"i'm not bringing them on saturday"

i tell her repeatedly to leave me alone. then i tell her i'm gonna call the cops and file for a restraining order for harassing me all day. maybe a bit over the top but this bitch doesn't understand reason, or logic, so you have to be all crazy like she is. last text she sent was "i just got child support papers. you might wanna see if you got any too" naturally i didn't send anything back. the moral of the story is i am not giving her a god damn red cent. i will drag this out as long as i have to, make this a big 'ol pain in her ass, because my daughter doesn't need to be raised and trained to be a nasty dope snorting cunt, and i will do everything in my power to see that that doesn't happen. when you read this, you blood sucking nose bleeding not-proper-ass-wiping piece of trailer trash, know this. i hate you. everyone that isn't a meth head hates you. your a thief and a liar. and your stupid. bitch.


new blog for the privileged few. welcome . "fuck you. i'm eating"